Having trouble connecting from browser on a freshly installed Xubuntu. My browser extensions in Firefox acted up. All because of snap is crap (in this regard anyways)
KeePassXC when installed in Xubuntu, uses “snap” and therefore the browser integration does not work. It has to go.
My daily patching of my Qubes fedora-32 template failed, and I just found our that Skype might be the reason. I tried starting skype, and found it to be requiring of an update:
This proved faulty, since Microsoft might have given up on Skype, their last update was unsigned and broke updates on one of my fedora-32 templates.
Then I tried forcing the install, since I trusted the package origin, but I saw that the quality of the package might be below par(it does work, though), so I chose to part with Skype for now:
Updating / installing… 1:skypeforlinux- ################################# [100%] Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start atd.service Failed to start atd.service: Unit atd.service not found.
Remember to remove the repo also, if you really mean it 🙂