UPDATE: 2.4.2 is in stable now, so this post is not needed anymore…
When QubesOS announced that fedora-30 now is supported by Qubes-OS, I went for it straight away and upgraded my fedora-29 template. All went smooth.
My fedora-web-plugin, told me that my keepassxc was outdated and I needed to download a newer version:

So, checking the versions in fedora showed that fedora-30 is not up to date, unlike fedora-31, so I needed to do an upgrade in testing. Testing was in “3 karma”, whatever that means, but it seemed to be tested fine, just not pushed to stable repository yet. :
So, instead of just downloading the package from keepassxc.org and miss any updates coming in the future, I decided to install from testing repository, and hope that the package will be sent to stable in the near future. I accept the risk that seems to be close non-existing, compared to trusting the stable/testing repo:
sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing --advisory=FEDORA-2019-99e252df7a

The above shows success and the version is as follows on fedora-30:

And by the way, I actually got appreciation for my patreon support :). Please support it

Less than 10 days later we had the same issue, so contemplating on how it is possible to have 1 package using the “updates-testing” repository and the rest run stable (without having the below running in a cron job)
sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing keepassxc